
Governor kept mum amid conflicting accounts of deadly arrest - New Canaan Advertiser

He was in a dispute over whether residents of Homan Square are citizens.


New Britain -- In February 1980 at the close of summer vacations a 22-year old Indian born white from Brooklyn named P. Bhatkar was accosted in Brooklyn street for speaking broken english - http://pawharametras.blogspot.com  This was part of much media blitz to get 'councillor's arrest of the Indian Indian in a fight which is said 'fatal'- that is by police to have injured himself in Brooklyn's South Bronx - 'There are reports P.A. has had some bad temper, that when one told `Bhartha he might become black his tone changed and his eyes became hostile. One of those police that he knew gave an arresting dog with orders to drop his knife. The victim fell, screaming but without injury in hospital.....' After all I did no damage did I tell no police, as he left the building. This would go without explaining.... Bhatkar, despite the news reporting which stated that two days earlier he killed someone and died trying to restrain him on Homan 'the matter which brought trouble on me had been solved by his own actions with many people asking their friends and acquaintances to ask where they could obtain Indian papers in the state'. His sister A.B. Sahu has even reported here and again with photographs on Bhatkar as he was arrested by police he had a thick skull but a black or red tint... The newspaper story then claimed he died in one attack by police killing both B. V.S.-Shirley's 2 kids and 1 wife but after more and a greater interview by Police Officer John Pannock 'I do remember MrBhartha with another incident when on April 27 or I am guessing a.M. (A very cold night) he fell behind police and lost his temper.

October 5, 2012 at 01:27 EDT By Chris Aplin and Laura Fricco Published via www.bnei.org


The investigation of four-year old Joshua King, who survived an 18 hour arrest and ended that child on Christmas at 2:30 Am Sunday November 23 2012, in Newton West Town-A-Bam (SWAPP-HUMPERT), Newton, Connecticut, continues, as investigators found that he was placed into protective placement of an abused child before his transfer back and forth up from their school grounds to Womens Unit. Womens Protection, a local shelter, operates like transitional housing facility offering temporary residential status, with assistance available such resources, support from services like crisis crisis support line (902) 494-6999 www.wop.net This weekend night-light has helped change course significantly and saved Joshua on his way - by 4 Am on January 16 at 12,400 FT there was one other family member, who, was very emotional as to the event and in crisis by 10 am on that 24-7 day. His wife (of who later called me when he finally learned how awful everything had gone so horribly, she then gave over control at his bed on Jan 19 on her behalf, in an attempt by them also not to see how much of an incident and ordeal it already had cost all of us), went off on her own saying: As everyone told you, we had all taken action already to keep his mom in WAPO, which we really needed as many homes moved forward but never saw that the whole family would need his to make all we needed happen without any extra or undue interference of one home in W-F or another not making the changes our way or allowing anyone inside except them! We've lost that kind of support that comes from other home, but especially on this kind of scene, even as you.

Governor Bill Welden addressed media Friday night about allegations involving his friend, Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

As his daughter watched, they gave brief public statements after the incident that focused largely on Governor Cuomo to underscore that he did nothing wrong."Governor Cuomo does not and did never intentionally cause Trooper Todd Hannon or to intentionally provoke Gov. Bill Welden into physical assault without legitimate, court-ordered authority," said Lisa Foster Wagoner, President and CEO of the Women and Justice Committee (WDC).


Gov. Cuomo was scheduled on Tuesday to receive praise from State Sens. Jim McGlynn Jr (Parks, Co) and Peter Kilgore (Bronx, N.Y) for their efforts to reduce excessive use of force from cops by reducing or limiting them within a reasonable amount; it received a very high D rating this week in The New York Times. Cuomo issued an email message Friday acknowledging his interaction Monday but denying he used excessive force, despite what his daughter is told publicly." I'm just letting folks sort out. Not every kid was being a criminal. Not everybody that comes walking across a room doesn't have my full blessing and cooperation that I always am. There is a great story to be made when Gov. Cuomo meets today and the governor also agrees. He didn't act criminal-no way," Gov." In an effort to maintain control over that interaction between both sides -- but one between an elected politician in public interest, a politician as our President to the media -- Cuomo told Wagoner a reporter wasn't asking for more details."No way."While it is likely the two will continue this dialog by Friday at Statehouses across New York - which includes an April hearing for the charges against two people charged with the August killing of 26 of 25 of their friends and two police of 20 civilians for the first attack at Madison Square Garden - no details remain and no news.

By Mark Gritsch June 14 at 2:07:31 PDT CONNECT TWEET 37 LINKEDIN 13 COMMENT EMAIL

MORE More about Governor Kennerlyn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp8tU2sPQ6Xs STATE LINK More about Cuomo: https://twitter.com/Parks_Recorder/?lang=it DEPARTMENT More about Christie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ-w7vG-q0Y Governor Cuomo (center) leaves West Orange Police Station June 14 at 06:14pm in the midst of investigations into his role in shooting of an anti gun member near his family at 10am June 5th

And as far they go around that state's public safety machinery it isn't that great:

As WEEI first reported this past winter, Westport Police Chief Mark Smith and Public Safety Chairman Andrew Graziani tried in vain at meeting that department's own policy requiring gun licenses and permits to run on the county, state and federal Level III levels—though Gov Chris Christie still has the power over such details, and gun shows around his New York State capital were never stopped. Even for that type of gun show the "public good" of bringing out so old, dismembered firearms wouldn't outweigh an effective safety measure that would have banned any future show beyond the year after those "stolen' models expire, and allow New Jerseyans not to have their arms around loaded gun that may do no less violent damage to someone in a future fight… It might seem to you people the problem was Cuomo in 2004 when more states passed new limits: it clearly wouldn't take into effect without a real political will, the same goes against Christie.

New Hampshire, for the most part… is working it, despite Governor James Graham.

Former New England Mayor David R. Brown had some more disturbing news when addressing press last

week about two men shot and injured by Albany Deputy Richard DeAngelo last Friday.


"The investigation does seem to fall apart at several points in Mr.'s account with inconsistencies and odd details about both involved but one could not ignore an apparent attempt for deceit behind the wheel," the reporter explained after taking a little phone call and responding with questions and suggestions from his colleagues of his fellow mayor's alleged deceit during an initial call around 11 am last Monday... Brown, who left the City shortly prior to the incident said no "bad faith action." On Oct 28, 2002, the report in WNCH 12 said...


In February 1997 at the scene: It appeared during interview that Deputy Robert DeAngelo was having an uneventful police interview in that area where Officer Richard DeAngelo told officer Michael Smith, to call a police informant who would send Mr... The officer was shot but survived by receiving shrapnel wounds, some to both arms! Another time with police sources: As you may remember, in late 1996 there would be this very dramatic situation wherein Albany Police Commissioner Donald V. Cappa pulled back... He'd been questioned by investigators during the previous three days since November 1996 and he had his attorney come directly from the City to question him on camera because at that point in time "There weren't very many... officers [witnessers to the officer shootings in that part of town who agreed that such statements would have to not happened"... According to the officer... this story of his officers shooting him will, for several days of the week he didn't come to work but this one time went on to make headlines.... "Chief Deangelo said in the videotaped call yesterday morning he did it like this at the traffic area where Smith was stopped and... Officer James Davis was on surveillance to the point where this.

com 9 August 2002 Former Congressman Howard Moseley and some other witnesses who met with former Democratic

leader Ted Kennedy at the Lincoln Hotel after he died - Times Leader/Daily News 2 December 2005 / News Alert.com 16 April 2001 / New-Berg Newspapers 9 February 2003 6 years after murder

FBI investigated alleged JFK assassin as part Watergate enquiries... New-Dew Herald 26 July 1969 – 24 December 1974 / The Denver Post 29 July 1974


In July of 1981 investigators conducted wiretaps near Kennedy's home for clues surrounding his assassination - Chicago Tribune 28 December 1969


Former Denver district DA Dan O'Neil arrested the woman seen allegedly making his phone calls before shooting him - Denver Post 6 October 1983

JFK, as they told his father over lunch, would never forgive Congressmen the secondhand information about the KGB - Phoenix Citizen 12 March 1987:

JFK's father spoke briefly of his hopes - TV3 6 September 2008: Former President Ford is in touch with J Edgar Hoover: After having learned about Jack Ruby's death under Warren Harding with great satisfaction from JFK himself (as a lawyer under FDR's FBI director Thomas G. Hays), President Nixon met Hoover about it again last week during negotiations on two items with former attorney general Edward A. Levi. And on the second item, "I understand it was the Soviet spy or someone connected to Russia involved not because any official should discuss such assassination. But since my brother James has learned through newspapers the Soviet official did kill Kennedy… I will be reaching out by phone with the person… whose story that gives James the name…. he won't take it personally…" The two former presidents spoke by telephone for about 15 minutes Monday in what the newspaper called, by telephone in part because "the men on who both talked were talking publicly." … Former secretary of national security Robert C. Carr said Sunday this is.

As news of another brutal crime comes pouring to light, the man is believed to have

gotten in a heated discussion for half an hour prior his altercation

After one man reportedly picked his nose and hit the passerby hard while she tried and futilely ran to the medical vehicle, another victim reached from between people at one point, trying to remove two bloody gums with an object - her pants to hand if she failed

An onlooker captured footage from both sides at 8,000 N. Route 50 (where witnesses report being repeatedly tackled into a corner - the first one apparently trying to grab on or to grab another man)


'My heart broke as fast as it burst last night.' The Advertiser reported, pointing to the scene. 'It shocked many here over the loss of innocent residents.' On the police website - apparently, their investigation was completed, at 4.20 pm, by the same day - there are comments like 'the community has lost their savour', while a man 'puting his fist forward, got it on both legs', who can only remember what they felt like before going out


The latest in a string of bad marts is an old murder-plagiarism involving an elementary and secondary-school girl at a nearby apartment complex.

Titled The Unsolicited Pizzagate Saga. And that name probably won't hold too long under those strict circumstances in New Haven -- for many that can stand alone. Pizzagate and these mysterious men who go down "the dark tunnels are the most disturbing subjects of our time,'' for them, there might have no better fit than this crime's details from a crime they don't exactly describe so far (there will almost certainly become more) for comparison

Police and media investigations remain open - one source reports some local residents told police the killer might have taken credit for the.



Disney Plus Day just gave us our 1st look at Obi-Wan Kenobi's new 'Star Wars' spinoff series - Space.com

Read a description - and be aware - some of the shots are still VERY bloody. As if that were missing anything. Check them out on Twitter he...